الأحد، 10 أبريل 2016

Let's Learn English: A Review of Lessons 1 - 9

Congratulations! You are learning English with VOA Learning English! Try the quiz and enjoy the video of our mistakes.   For Fun - 'Bloopers'  Sometimes we do not remember what to say. Or sometimes we are laughing about a funny event. Watch the video above to see these mistakes, or 'bloopers.' New Words from Blooper Video break - n. to stop activity or for a short time mistake - v. something that is not correct blooper - n. an embarrassing mistake usually made in public some - adj. of an untold amount or number   Listening Quiz Take this quiz to review the lessons from 1 to 9. (On desktop? Click here to go to the quiz.) Lesson Review Here are the lessons and learning points. Write to us in the Comments section to let us know which you like best.   Lesson 1: Welcome! (Meeting People) Verb BE + name in introductions ​ BE + location Meeting people Personal information ​Learning the Alphabet ​ Learning the Numbers 1-20 Pronouncing linked sounds   Lesson 2: Hello! I'm Anna! (Introductions) BE + noun; BE + location​ Subject pronouns: I, you, he, she, we, they​ ​ Welcoming & Leave-taking Spelling names aloud Contractions with the verb "be" Saying your address   Lesson 3: I'm Here! (Apologizing and Phone Conversation) Numbers in Addresses & Phone numbers Place pronouns: here, there Calling someone on the phone Polite telephone expressions   Lesson 4: What Is It? (Everyday Things) Greeting people To Have + Object To Not Have + Object To Be + Object Saying quickly "and" as "n"   Lesson 5: Where Are You? (Rooms in a House) To Be + Location Asking about locations Listening for information about people’s locations Naming places and activities   Lesson 6: Where Is the Gym? (Places in an Apartment) Places in an apartment Prepositions: next to, behind, across from Greetings between friends Asking questions about locations Naming places   Lesson 7 - What Are You Doing? (Everyday Activities) Asking someone what they are doing Telling someone what you are doing Saying "what are" quickly   Lesson 8: Are You Busy? (Schedules) Times of day: morning, evening, afternoon To Be + Short answers Telling what someone is doing Words to use when you don't know what to say: uh, um How to say "I'm sorry"   Lesson 9: Is it cold? (Talking About Weather) Weather words & adjectives Fahrenheit & Celsius temperatures To Be + Short answers Yes/No question Agreeing and disagreeing   What do you think? How are you using "Let's Learn English?" Is it helping you to learn English? Please write to us in the comments section or send us an email. Take the poll to let us know the most helpful part of each lesson. Thank you for coming to learn English with us!

from Voice of America http://ift.tt/1VggnqX

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