الخميس، 14 أبريل 2016

VOA English Newscast: 1500 UTC, April 14, 2016

  From Washington, this is VOA News.      I’m Ira Mellman reporting. Russia defends a close encounter with a U.S. warship… Russia says its aircraft observed all international rules when they flew over a U.S. warship in international waters in the Baltic Sea earlier this week. The Russian Defense Ministry said Thursday that its SU-24 planes were conducting test flights. In Washington, White House spokesman Josh Earnest said two Russian attack aircraft flew some 20 passes near the USS Donald Cook while the ship was in international waters. "There have been repeated incidents over the last year where the Russian military, including Russian military aircraft, have come close enough to each other - or have come close enough to other air and sea traffic - to raise serious safety concerns." The Donald Cook had just come from a port visit in Poland, when the flyovers occurred. It was headed out to sea with a Polish helicopter on board. NATO has been asked to provide a permanent presence of battalion-sized deployments of allied troops in the Baltic States. And Moscow denies any intention to attack the Baltic states. For the first time in 16 years, a South Korean ruling party has failed to win a majority in a legislative election. The surprise losses suffered by President Park Geun-hye's Saenuri Party Wednesday revealed widespread public discontent with her conservative economic policies and growing division over her "get tough" approach to the North Korean nuclear threat. The favored Saenuri party won only 122 out of 300 seats in the South Korean National Assembly, according to the National Election Commission. The main opposition Minjoo Party of Korea won 123 seats in the unicameral parliament. This is VOA News. ______________________________________________________________ Words in This Newscast   encounter – n. an unplanned or unexpected meeting warship – n. a military or navy ship planes – n. short for airplane conducting – v. carrying out; performing occurred – v. happened; took place on board – adj. carried on a vehicle battalion – n. a large, organized group of soldiers Moscow – n. a term for the Russian government revealed – v. make known; make public discontent – n. dissatisfaction; unhappiness get tough – adj. showing firmness and wiliness to act if necessary approach – n. a policy or method favored – adj. considered likely to win according – adv. as stated by or in unicameral – adj. having only one part   We want to hear from you. Write to us in the Comments Section.

from Voice of America http://ift.tt/1RWzd3A

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