الجمعة، 7 أكتوبر 2016

1200 UTC Newscast for October 7, 2016

From Washington, this is VOA News. I’m Steve Karesh reporting. The Nobel Peace Prize has been awarded to a Latin American for the first time in more than two decades. “The Norwegian Nobel Committee has decided to award the Nobel Peace Prize for 2016 to Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos for his resolute efforts to bring the country’s more than 50-year-long civil war to an end.” The Chair of the Norwegian Nobel Committee. Despite the peace accord's rejection in a recent referendum, Santos has promised to revive the plan, which many Colombians saw as too lenient on FARC rebels. Officials in Pakistan say a powerful bomb blast on a train has killed at least four people and wounded 13 others. Authorities say the bomb went off on Friday in Baluchistan province in the southwestern part of the country. There has been no immediate claim of responsibility. North Korea's relentless pursuit of nuclear weapons is forcing both its allies and adversaries to rethink their strategies for maintaining regional peace and security. VOA's Steve Miller has more. “North Korean state media denounced U.S. policy of “strategic patience” as ineffective, and that it has contributed to the reclusive nation enhancing their nuclear weapons capabilities.  On Friday, 38 North, a group that is affiliated with the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies, said there is current activity at the Punggye-ri nuclear test site. This increased activity could indicate preparations for a new nuclear test or it could be follow-up work for the test in September. Steve Miller, VOA News, Washington.” From Washington, this is VOA.   We want to hear from you. Write to us in the Comments Section.

from Voice of America http://ift.tt/2dKRT9p

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